Caesar's Empire Slot Caesar's Empire Slot Caesar's Empire Slot Caesar's Empire Slot Caesar's Empire Slot Caesar's Empire Slot Caesar's Empire Slot
Caesar's Empire Slot Caesar's Empire Slot Caesar's Empire Slot Caesar's Empire Slot Caesar's Empire Slot Caesar's Empire Slot Caesar's Empire Slot
Caesar's Empire Slot Caesar's Empire Slot Caesar's Empire Slot Caesar's Empire Slot Caesar's Empire Slot Caesar's Empire Slot Caesar's Empire Slot
Caesar's Empire Slot Caesar's Empire Slot Caesar's Empire Slot Caesar's Empire Slot Caesar's Empire Slot Caesar's Empire Slot Caesar's Empire Slot
Caesar's Empire Slot Caesar's Empire Slot Caesar's Empire Slot Caesar's Empire Slot Caesar's Empire Slot Caesar's Empire Slot Caesar's Empire Slot Caesar's Empire Slot Caesar's Empire Slot

Caesar's Empire Slot

Caesar’s Empire slot is a 5 reel, 20 payline slot machine and runs on the sophisticated Real Time Gaming Software. Caesar’s Empire slot offers attractive free spins and a random progressive jackpot. The maximum you can wager on would be $100 for one spin and the minimum $0.20 including all 20 lines. The dazzling graphics are eye-catching and the sound effects are simple yet heroically motivated. The signs on Caesar’s Empire slot are Caesar, Cleopatra, Coliseum, Fruits, Helmet, Shield, Ace, King, Queen, Jack, Ten, and Nine.

The jackpots are interesting and the maximum jackpot you could win would be 7,500 coins effectively meaning $37,500 for 1 Caesar sign and 5 Cleopatra symbols. Following closely would be the second jackpot of 2,500 coins effectively meaning $12,500 for 4 Caesar signs or 5 Cleopatra symbols and the third jackpot of 1,500 or $7,500 could be won for 5 helmet signs.

The wild sign is Caesar and it appears on 1,2,3,4 reels. Caesar symbol can replace all other signs except the scatter ‘coliseum’. If Caesar’s sign completes any winning combination then all the awards are multiplied three times.

The Coliseum sign acts as a scatter symbol and if you strike on 2, 3, 4, or 5 icons just about anywhere on the reels, your total stake will be multiplied by 1, 3, 10 or 100. The winning will also undergo some animation change where the whole scenario changes from day to night.

In the event of hitting 1 or more Caesar signs make their appearance and when you strike the coliseum on the 5th reel it triggers off 10 free spins. While playing free spins all winnings are automatically doubled and coliseum symbols are transformed to Caesar or Cleopatra to arrive at the highest winning combination.

The Caesar’s Empire slot progressive jackpot can be won easily and this slot machine gives you a kind of real-live experience in the company of Caesar, Cleopatra and the Roman monarchy at large. Play Caesar’s Empire slot now at Slots Oasis casino where all new players get a massive $4000 free welcome bonus.